Safeguarding Kidz Klub Leeds is committed to ensuring that all staff, volunteers and children are safe and free from harm and to working actively as part of the multi-agency response to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. All our team members are recruited in line with safer recruitment guidelines and any staff member or volunteer who works on regulated activity with children is subject to an enhanced check via the DBS. Kidz Klub has developed full safeguarding policies, procedures and training that aim to meet these commitments. Our safeguarding policy and procedures are reviewed regularly by the Trustees and Leadership Team and can requested by emailing our Safeguarding Lead [email protected] If as a volunteer or parent of a young person at Kidz Klub, you have any concerns about your own or your child's well-being or safety or if you have concerns about the safety of any child or adult attending one of our activities or concerns about the conduct of Kidz Klub staff then you should: Talk to any member of Kidz Klub staff or volunteer team Contact one of the Safeguarding team at Kidz Klub Leeds If you are a young person, ask to speak to a member of the Safeguarding team at one of our activities. Call 0113 2456533 and ask to speak to one of the safeguarding team. Where concerns are raised about the safety or well-being of children or adults at risk Kidz Klub Leeds will provide support and assistance and when appropriate the concerns will be passed on to external agencies for further consideration and support. Safeguarding Policy Statement Policy aims and purpose Safeguarding is what we do to promote the welfare of children and adults at risk, and to protect them from harm. Safeguarding is our first priority and is at the heart of everything we do here at Kidz Klub. This policy explains what we expect of our volunteers and staff (and anyone working on behalf of Kidz Klub). It also outlines how we protect children and adults at risk. It’s important that you follow this policy, everyone involved at Kidz Klub must follow our code of conduct. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. The Safeguarding team are on hand to help. If you need support with anything to do with safeguarding, or you have a concern do call the office on 0113 245 6533 and ask for a member of the safeguarding team Policy statement We are committed to safeguarding children and adults of all backgrounds and identities. Everyone has a right to live free from abuse, exploitation, harm and fear, and to be safe and well. We recognise that some people are particularly vulnerable. This may be because of some aspect of their identity or circumstance. We recognise and respond to all types of harm, including: Abuse - Physical, emotional, sexual and domestic, spiritual, including non-recent, online abuse and child-on-child abuse. Bullying/Cyberbulling - Deliberate behaviour that causes physical or emotional harm to another person or people. Child criminal exploitation - Manipulating and coercing children and young people into committing crimes. This is a type of child abuse. Child sexual exploitation - When a child or young person is given things, like gifts, drugs, money, status or affection, in exchange for performing sexual activities. Female genital mutilation - When a female's genitals are deliberately altered or removed for non-medical reasons. It’s also known as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘cutting’. Grooming and harmful sexual behaviour - When someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. This can be online Harassment - Unwanted behaviour which someone finds offensive, makes them feel intimidated or humiliated, or creates a hostile or degrading environment. Neglect - The ongoing failure to meet a child or vulnerable adult’s basic needs. Radicalisation - Radicalisation aims to inspire new recruits, embed extreme views and persuade vulnerable people to support a cause. This may be through a direct relationship, or through social media. Trafficking - Where children and young people are tricked, forced or persuaded to leave their homes. They’re then transported and exploited, forced to work or sold. You can find out more about different types of harms and abuse from Thirtyone:eight or NSPCC website. More detail is also noted in our Safeguarding Policy. By following this policy you’ll help to create a safe space where all our members can have a great experience. How Kidz Klub Leeds Safeguards Children and Adults at Risk We take all concerns seriously. We have a safeguarding structure in place, which we’ve based on best practice. We work to increase the safeguarding best practice knowledge of our volunteers and staff. Team members are trained and safeguarding is covered regularly at all levels in trustee, staff and volunteer team meetings. We recruit volunteers and staff using our Safer recruitment policy We use our safeguarding policy to manage allegations against volunteers and staff. We always have health and safety measures in place, based on the law and statutory guidance (should you wish to see this Health and Safety policy contact the office on 0113 245 6533) We share concerns and information with other agencies when appropriate. For example, where there are significant concerns about someone working with children. Or where we believe that someone is at risk of abuse or harm. Bullying in any form is not tolerated in any Kidz Klub session and is be dealt with immediately. See our safeguarding policy for more details. Expectations Kidz Klub Leeds expects all volunteers and staff to: Follow our Safeguarding Policy Follow the Kidz Klub Code of Conduct Report all concerns, allegations and disclosures following the Kidz Klub procedures Be vigilant, so you recognise when something is worrying. Inform the Leadership Team or Safeguarding team about any ongoing or past investigation into you or someone you have a significant relationship with which relates to any child or adult safeguarding allegation, concern or disclosure. The investigation may have been carried out by the police, social services, an employer, or another organisation you volunteer for. A significant relationship includes, but isn’t limited to, family members, partners, and members of the same household. You must inform without delay. Work with the Safeguarding team to act when there’s a concern. Consider inclusion and accessibility when you’re dealing with safeguarding issues. For example, making adjustments to support disabled members or those with other needs. Be accountable - never assume someone else has responded to a concern. Complete and continue safeguarding training relevant to your role. Reporting a concern As a volunteer or member of staff, it’s important you know the signs and indicators of abuse or harm. You must also know how to respond to and report any concerns, allegations or disclosures. If you have a safeguarding concern, you must make the safeguarding team aware as soon as possible. If it’s an emergency you must ring 999. Our Leadership team leads on bullying and harassment concerns. See our Anti-bullying and harassment policy for more information. Related procedures and guidance Should you wish to read any of the following policies, procedures or handouts please do contact the Kidz Klub office on 0113 245 6533 or [email protected] (not all available policies are listed below) Further reading available from Kidz Klub Leeds: Safeguarding Policy Working with Vulnerable Adults Policy Digital Safeguarding Policy Good Behaviour Guidelines Volunteer Code of Conduct Safeguarding Handout Social Media Policy Equality and Diversity Policy Health and Safety Policy Managing Concerns About Adult Volunteers Policy Data Protection Policy Recruitment And Vetting Policy Whistleblowing Policy
Kidz Klub Leeds is committed to ensuring that all staff, volunteers and children are safe and free from harm and to working actively as part of the multi-agency response to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. All our team members are recruited in line with safer recruitment guidelines and any staff member or volunteer who works on regulated activity with children is subject to an enhanced check via the DBS. Kidz Klub has developed full safeguarding policies, procedures and training that aim to meet these commitments. Our safeguarding policy and procedures are reviewed regularly by the Trustees and Leadership Team and can requested by emailing our Safeguarding Lead [email protected] If as a volunteer or parent of a young person at Kidz Klub, you have any concerns about your own or your child's well-being or safety or if you have concerns about the safety of any child or adult attending one of our activities or concerns about the conduct of Kidz Klub staff then you should: Talk to any member of Kidz Klub staff or volunteer team Contact one of the Safeguarding team at Kidz Klub Leeds If you are a young person, ask to speak to a member of the Safeguarding team at one of our activities. Call 0113 2456533 and ask to speak to one of the safeguarding team. Where concerns are raised about the safety or well-being of children or adults at risk Kidz Klub Leeds will provide support and assistance and when appropriate the concerns will be passed on to external agencies for further consideration and support. Safeguarding Policy Statement Policy aims and purpose Safeguarding is what we do to promote the welfare of children and adults at risk, and to protect them from harm. Safeguarding is our first priority and is at the heart of everything we do here at Kidz Klub. This policy explains what we expect of our volunteers and staff (and anyone working on behalf of Kidz Klub). It also outlines how we protect children and adults at risk. It’s important that you follow this policy, everyone involved at Kidz Klub must follow our code of conduct. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. The Safeguarding team are on hand to help. If you need support with anything to do with safeguarding, or you have a concern do call the office on 0113 245 6533 and ask for a member of the safeguarding team Policy statement We are committed to safeguarding children and adults of all backgrounds and identities. Everyone has a right to live free from abuse, exploitation, harm and fear, and to be safe and well. We recognise that some people are particularly vulnerable. This may be because of some aspect of their identity or circumstance. We recognise and respond to all types of harm, including: Abuse - Physical, emotional, sexual and domestic, spiritual, including non-recent, online abuse and child-on-child abuse. Bullying/Cyberbulling - Deliberate behaviour that causes physical or emotional harm to another person or people. Child criminal exploitation - Manipulating and coercing children and young people into committing crimes. This is a type of child abuse. Child sexual exploitation - When a child or young person is given things, like gifts, drugs, money, status or affection, in exchange for performing sexual activities. Female genital mutilation - When a female's genitals are deliberately altered or removed for non-medical reasons. It’s also known as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘cutting’. Grooming and harmful sexual behaviour - When someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. This can be online Harassment - Unwanted behaviour which someone finds offensive, makes them feel intimidated or humiliated, or creates a hostile or degrading environment. Neglect - The ongoing failure to meet a child or vulnerable adult’s basic needs. Radicalisation - Radicalisation aims to inspire new recruits, embed extreme views and persuade vulnerable people to support a cause. This may be through a direct relationship, or through social media. Trafficking - Where children and young people are tricked, forced or persuaded to leave their homes. They’re then transported and exploited, forced to work or sold. You can find out more about different types of harms and abuse from Thirtyone:eight or NSPCC website. More detail is also noted in our Safeguarding Policy. By following this policy you’ll help to create a safe space where all our members can have a great experience. How Kidz Klub Leeds Safeguards Children and Adults at Risk We take all concerns seriously. We have a safeguarding structure in place, which we’ve based on best practice. We work to increase the safeguarding best practice knowledge of our volunteers and staff. Team members are trained and safeguarding is covered regularly at all levels in trustee, staff and volunteer team meetings. We recruit volunteers and staff using our Safer recruitment policy We use our safeguarding policy to manage allegations against volunteers and staff. We always have health and safety measures in place, based on the law and statutory guidance (should you wish to see this Health and Safety policy contact the office on 0113 245 6533) We share concerns and information with other agencies when appropriate. For example, where there are significant concerns about someone working with children. Or where we believe that someone is at risk of abuse or harm. Bullying in any form is not tolerated in any Kidz Klub session and is be dealt with immediately. See our safeguarding policy for more details. Expectations Kidz Klub Leeds expects all volunteers and staff to: Follow our Safeguarding Policy Follow the Kidz Klub Code of Conduct Report all concerns, allegations and disclosures following the Kidz Klub procedures Be vigilant, so you recognise when something is worrying. Inform the Leadership Team or Safeguarding team about any ongoing or past investigation into you or someone you have a significant relationship with which relates to any child or adult safeguarding allegation, concern or disclosure. The investigation may have been carried out by the police, social services, an employer, or another organisation you volunteer for. A significant relationship includes, but isn’t limited to, family members, partners, and members of the same household. You must inform without delay. Work with the Safeguarding team to act when there’s a concern. Consider inclusion and accessibility when you’re dealing with safeguarding issues. For example, making adjustments to support disabled members or those with other needs. Be accountable - never assume someone else has responded to a concern. Complete and continue safeguarding training relevant to your role. Reporting a concern As a volunteer or member of staff, it’s important you know the signs and indicators of abuse or harm. You must also know how to respond to and report any concerns, allegations or disclosures. If you have a safeguarding concern, you must make the safeguarding team aware as soon as possible. If it’s an emergency you must ring 999. Our Leadership team leads on bullying and harassment concerns. See our Anti-bullying and harassment policy for more information. Related procedures and guidance Should you wish to read any of the following policies, procedures or handouts please do contact the Kidz Klub office on 0113 245 6533 or [email protected] (not all available policies are listed below) Further reading available from Kidz Klub Leeds: Safeguarding Policy Working with Vulnerable Adults Policy Digital Safeguarding Policy Good Behaviour Guidelines Volunteer Code of Conduct Safeguarding Handout Social Media Policy Equality and Diversity Policy Health and Safety Policy Managing Concerns About Adult Volunteers Policy Data Protection Policy Recruitment And Vetting Policy Whistleblowing Policy